Anyone can hear that it’s wrong. But you might be surprised at why and how it’s wrong.
Everyone hates these commercials, but nobody can ignore them, so props to the creators of the Burger King jingle; the “earworm that’s taken over America.”
Ask almost anyone why it’s so “bad” and they’ll say, “It’s because the singer can’t carry a tune.” That’s wrong. A little forensic musicology turns up some interesting stuff, and believe it or not…
He sang it fine. It’s mostly something else.
The BK jingle seems to be on tv constantly, but for the blessedly unfamiliar, believe it when I tell you, it’d be hard to overstate the cringy awfulness of the present vintages of Burger King commercials and their “Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper” jingle. This thing generates Reddit threads with titles that spell it out: “I DESPISE the Burger King commercials and their out-of-tune jingles,” and spawns mainstream media headlines about driving NFL fans crazy, because they seem to put most of their ad spend into live NFL broadcasts. Again, this is evil genius stuff; nobody fast-forwards live sports. “YOU WILL LISTEN TO OUR TERRIBLE SOUNDING JINGLE.”
Blame to go around.
I understand why everyone points first to the out-of-tune singing. It’s an unfussy vocal alright, though not quite what it seems. Add to that the over-the-top ridiculous “Whopper Whopper Whopper” lyric. So yes, the “unpolished” singing and the absurd lyrics are cringe components, but there’s a secret sauce doing the real heavy lifting. We’ll get at the recipe.
As with any recipe on the internet nowadays, we’ll opine a little before getting to the ingredient list, but unlike all recipe websites, we’ll be interesting.
First, here’s the Burger King jingle we’re talking about. There are several versions, but they’re all pretty much this:
No matter how many times I hear it. Just. Wow. Let’s hand it to them. It was a total gangster move producing a jingle so absurd that it mocks itself and all jingles past, present, and future.
How can I say it’s not the singing?!
I’m getting there. Here we go. “Whopper Whopper Whopper” or whatever they call this thing didn’t just come out of nowhere. It’s the rebirth of Burger King’s “Have It Your Way” jingle that was super famous in the 1970s for spelling out Burger King’s main differentiator, “having it your way.” I and every kid in Poughkeepsie, NY knew the Burger King jingle by heart years before a Burger King even opened in our town. When the first BK popped up on Vassar Rd, we knew to hold the pickles, hold the lettuce.
When I was ten, the elementary school band played the jingle at the Ice Cream Social! It’s funny how you remember such things. And it went a little something like this:
The melody from fifty years ago is the melody Burger King is using today. So what’s going on?
Obviously the lyric used to go, “Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don’t upset us,” and now goes, “Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper, Single Double Triple Whopper.”
And the chorus that used to go “(Have it) Your Way, Have It Your Way,” now goes, “Beeee – Kaaay – Have It Your Way.”
But the notes are the same.
Since this is Musicologize, I’ll sidebar the idea of “prosody,” which is the appropriate assignment of music to lyrics taking into consideration the natural flow of language and accented words or syllables. When music ignores or fights those sensibilities it sounds awkward and amateurish. Taken to the absurd by squeezing too many rapidly sung syllables into a short musical phrase (which some versions of the Burger King jingle do) you get some cringe value there too.
That ain’t it either. Everyone is in on these jokes.
And I’m not saying the singing is “good.”
The vocal performance is pretty “unfussy.”
Here’s a snippet from one of the several hate threads on Reddit.

They did not pick a random guy off the street. It’s Will Crown, from Crown and the Mob. And get off his back! It’s not him, it’s this:
Here’s The Evil Trick.
The big move is that although they faithfully preserved that famous old jingle’s melody, they fiendishly changed all the chords! Nobody is in on that joke, and it’s doing most of the work.
Again, this being Musicologize, let’s make a broad musicological point…
I sometimes find forensic musicologists leaning into the idea of “filtering” to help discern and draw the lines between ideas and expression. (Copyright protects only expression.) Musicologists will often, because admittedly the law asks us to, break down a musical work into its component elements and explain whether those elements on their own are unprotectable by copyright because those elements or sub-elements (again, on their own) are ideas, public domain, found in prior art, or otherwise unoriginal. This widely accepted convention called “abstraction-filtering-comparison” then asks that we filter those elements out of the analysis and be concerned only with comparing similarities in what’s left over. The implication is that any observed similarity in unprotectable elements is irrelevant.
But all that is dicey at best, and the Burger King jingle illustrates one reason why.
In any melody, the individual notes enjoy degrees of consonance or dissonance with, first, the other notes in the melody, and also with the notes that are simultaneously occurring in accompanying harmony; in the chords. This is rather a lot of what melody is. It’s a lot of what music is.
Each note has a meaning and function compared to all the other notes.
Try this experiment: Sing “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do” to yourself a few times, taking a little care to sing it the same way each time. A sense of “key” may establish itself in your mind; it’s the key of “Do” major. You pulled “Do” out of thin air (unless you have perfect pitch) and all the other notes were determined relative to “Do.”
Next, after you’ve sung that scale to yourself a few times, repeat it again, but try stopping at random notes here and there, noticing that some stopping points are more comfortable than others. It’s especially uncomfortable stopping on “Ti.” But “Ti,” isn’t unstable on its own; it’s the context doing that. Its relationship to the other pitches in the scale is why we can’t comfortably linger on “Ti.” It’s fine as a drink with jam and bread ONLY WHEN it brings us back to Do!” If it doesn’t bring us somewhere right away, we teeter uncomfortably.
Melody is a series of such relative teeterings and landings, similar to language. Language has contours and emphases as well. And it’s not quite a free-for-all. We would not say “Four SCORE AND se-VEN years A-go,” because the flow is awkward. We accent certain syllables, upspeak, downspeak, and give phrases a pleasing contour. In melody, the consonant notes are sort of like the syllables we’re more comfortable accenting and lingering on, whereas dissonant notes work better in small doses and unaccented.
Back to the Burger King Jingle
When set to the new and mismatched chord progression, that fifty-year-old melody’s sequence of relative consonances and dissonances will no longer have notes falling gracefully against their accompaniment. It’s virtually a mashup — two songs played at once, but ordinarily we select mashup material because two songs work together nicely. Not here. Here we just let the awkwardness happen; rough under any circumstances, but way way out of bounds in the world of jingles.
The old chords versus the new chords?
Like, if you wanna learn the Burger King jingle on your guitar or something?
OLD: | D | Bm | G | E A | versus NEW: | Bm D | G Em | Bm G/D | E E/B |
When you put the old melody over these new chords, well… we begin with amateurish sounding but mostly tolerable pairings of melody and accompaniment in the first measure, but as the cringiness starts to set in we arrive at that second measure where the melody note is F# and the top note of the accompanying chord is G. These two notes sit immediately adjacent to each other on a piano and sound like:
But Crown is hitting the right notes, he’s just singing the old melody.
Check it out: it sounds just as bad when the woman from the 70’s does it. Here’s her perfectly fine singing of that whole series of F#’s which (in simpler times) were pleasingly consonant with the B minor chord that accompanied them but are nails on a chalkboard with the G major chord from the new scheme.
I’ll loop her three times so you can really enjoy. Try not to dance.
It’s not that the singer is out of tune. The band is playing a different song.
How would our hero sound if I dropped him into the 1970’s commercial which is, what an amazing coincidence, in the same key and at the same tempo? He’s not Johnny Mathis, but it’s perfectly fine!
That’s why the Burger King jingle sounds so cringy.
What does this say about filtering in musicology?
Everyone is filtering out the part that matters most to this jingle; the chord progression. There’s nothing “original” about the original chords. It’s one of if not the most common chord progression of all time. By itself, it would not be protected by copyright. But every note in its melody, like any melody, derives meaning and function from its context. If I’m analyzing these works, filtering out the harmonic context would be like throwing much of their meaning away.
Of course, copyright law seeks efficiency and wants to be practical, so it establishes ideas like the Abstraction-Filtration-Comparison method which makes sense in some circumstances. Other times it’s sticking your head in the sand for the sake of expedience. Worse, it’s often just a con.
Leave the Burger King jingle singer alone. He did fine.
Your thoughts are most welcome. Catch me on X.
“I’ll loop her three times so you can really enjoy. Try not to dance.”
I don’t know what it is about how humans are wired but I literally cannot listen to this without dancing in my seat.
I really appreciate this. I’m curious if you could also comment on the style of the sound mix in the commercial. The contemporary vocal track has a dry, raw quality, and it’s very prominent in the mix. Do you think this is part of what bothers people? I
Thank you that you have the true explanation for this jingle! I kept thinking why would they deliberately have a singer off-key, just to get our attention? lol. Great, thorough analysis !
I can’t stand it, these commercials are driving me crazy! Every thing about them is annoying – the tune, the singing, the lyrics, the acting – especially after hearing it literally thousands of times now. At this point I’m ready to spearhead a petitioning project to beg Burger King to stop playing them. Just hearing two seconds of one before fast forwarding or muting is filling me with rage… Dur dur dur dur, dumb dumb dumb dumb, BK you do not rule and your commercials have driven me to boycott your business.
His voice wavers and goes flat, nothing so complex as musicology.
Yup. I don’t know what this overly precious article is actually trying to say, because when Crown is singing the same note, they are NOT the same. When he sings the high note at “BK have it yer way”, it ain’t the chords. The top note is flat. So are the melody notes at the beginning.
They’re SUPPOSED to sound off, like a guy from the street, in fact, it IS supposed to sound like a random guy. This analysis is way off.
The writer misunderstands the entire purpose of the commercial.
Why tons of them at sporting events, btw not golf, tennis and not even baseball. Football & hoops are the sporting events that the spots run in mostly. Why? Hip hop crowd (mostly black but white brown & green too. That’s the target demo. So get a black man to sound like a rando off the street because it’s not a celebrity, it’s a friend who likes BK & so should you.
Musicologists should stick to Mozart & Bartok. This is advertising which apparently he didn’t study in musicology school
Right. Autotune works both ways. Click of a mouse and voila! It sounds edgy! I appreciate the author’s forensics, and he’s likely correct on how it breaks down qualitatively, but ultimately this was some producer monkeying with the controls until it “felt right”.
He sucks! His singing sucks! I LOATHE these commercials…. Because of his singing! God save us from this torture!!
Seems like a marketing ploy. An everyman, someone I’m supposed to identify with, who, supposedly like me, can hardly carry a tune, but who is hungry and sings the praises of meat.
This is an amazing explanation and put sense to something that’s been driving me crazy. Thank you.
Yes, it makes a lot of sense, BUT
-I still hate ALL of the BK ads! ALL of them! -as soon as I hear that bass guitar I reach for the remote to change the channel. And I will never eat their disgusting ‘food.’
Same hate for the all in pink Kars are For Kidz’ too perfect pitch punk singer -obviously pirch-corrected with outboard gear and makes me want to smash something.
Wow. Whoever actually came up with this idea had an incredibly complex understanding of music nuance. And the person explaining it just as well. I thought it was catchy just because you tend to remember the songs that annoy you the most. But apparently my brain cannot fathom the depths..
Great-big thanks for this detailed analysis. I absolutely abhor the BK ads and have long wondered why they would choose a singer who can’t sing. I now know that he can, though my new wonderment is why they would choose a chord progression that’s so annoying. I guess for the very publicity they’re getting from articles like this and people like me asking about it. Doesn’t make me want to eat there—just the opposite, in fact. Whatever their rationale, I appreciate yours and your thoughtful explanation.
I googled up this article because I absolutely love the BK commercial. I considered it to be “off-beat,” interesting, and appealing to an odd-ball like me who senses and processes patterns in an atypical manner. Little did I know that it was musically designed to be that way. Pure genius!
May god have mercy on your soul
I love this jingle because it really relates to young people. My music classes love using Boomwhackers on this song! It really is a hit with them! I like the singer because he sounds like an average, yet relatable singer. Marketing knows what its doing!
This commercial is a offense to the senses, and although I remember it, I also remember NOT to go to Burger King because of the pain they have made me live through having to hear it over and over and over on some channels.
(I had to fix the article before “offense.” I’m not a SAVAGE.) This commercial is an offense to the senses, and although I remember it, I also remember NOT to go to Burger King because of the pain they have made me live through having to hear it over and over and over on some channels.
I absolutely HATE the jingle. So much so, I grab the remote every time to mute the thing. Never, ever going to bk again!
Thank you for this article. I do feel like the lyrics are so lazy that I regularly have to yell at the television incredulously. Most third graders could write a more interesting message with a better syllabic flow – I can’t believe anyone was paid to write words for this. The repeated “whopper” version is lazy enough, but the one that spreads the word “melts” across six syllables is even more egregious. I get that there are bigger problems in the world, but it’s like an anthem singer before a sports event: I need you to do an adequately forgettable job, not a memorably painful one.
YES! The Meelelelelelelt Is absolutely the worst one! That’s why I sought out this page!
The previous run of time slots had the same triggering bass opening, but it was cut short quickly and then went into a rather normal ad…
I thought , FINALLY, they changed their ad campaign!
But then this Melt crap started up and I had to keep my remote nearby for some channels I watch.
Why do commercial guys got to have some African-American in it?
Stop the madness of eyes making the minorities the majority when they are not!
The guy sounds like garbage that sings The Burger King commercial get rid of him. W
That was a very interesting read! I agree he sounds better with the original chords, but maintain that his intonation and the quality of his voice is quite lacking. It’s terrible singing that doesn’t sound as terrible with the original chords. I looked up Crown and found Crown and the M.O.B. “Roam” Offical Video on Youtube. Oh my gosh, it’s so bad. Like really really bad. Like “Gong Show” bad.
On a side note, if I’m watching a game by myself, I always make sure to be a little behind at minimum so I can fast forward through the commercials. Otherwise, it’s mute.
Oh, please! Your overly academic analysis falls flat because the vocalist sings flat. Most people don’t remember the harmonization of the original melody and don’t care. Those who appreciate—and strive for—accurate intonation find these commercials musically offensive. But, they are indeed effective in motivating me never to purchase a BK “meal.”
He doesn’t sing flat, he speak-sings. They chose a minor key change on purpose. Together, it’s cringe with purpose. The blog is very padddd, but the simple notion is true. Marketing is manipulation. The BK marketing strategist rented space in your head by choosing a bad key. This is during an era with social media toxicity. They turned toxicity to their advantage. As a forner marketing rep, I hate that this worked, but it’s brilliant.
I agree with almost everything you’ve said …
However, Will Crown is just NOT a very good singer (like, not very good at all.)
I understand that he’s gained some popularity via his music ambitions and group of followers.
And, I’ve been on YouTube checking out several of his other works of music.
You’d said he was no Johnny Mathis (which was a huge understatement, to say there least, lol.)
This is a case of popularity versus talent, because:
“Even though he’s technically ‘in key’ …
… the tonal quality of his voice is very, very poor.”
This is a sad trend with many people today.
Many aspiring musicians will receive participation trophies (or equivalent ribbons) for their efforts of trying versus being told the truth about their vocal shortcomings in tone, timbre, etc.
It’s a massive disservice, because in their minds, their subjective reality makes them think they sound good via popularity versus the actuality of them having a sub-par vocal instrument/voice.
Complacent mediocrity is a major part of the problem in today’s “everyone’s a winner for trying” music; which in turn, lends itself to a “lowering of the bar effect” for all aspects of music today.
The spoken truth is necessary for keeping the bar held to higher standards versus a participation trophy that’s been won on popularity alone!
I understand this well, as I have perfect pitch.
It is simultaneously a blessing and a curse.
Being honest with my ear tells me:
“I’m a good pianist” … however:
“My own voice is only good enough for background/harmony, and NOT for solo/lead melody (even though I’m smack dab on key and vibrating ‘A’ dead on at 440 hertz.)”
Mediocrity hurts the entire system, and therefore:
“I cannot subscribe to the idea of allowing a sub-par singer to be treated with anything other than the truth of their sub-par actuality.”
The solution lies with two things:
1. Unbiased Honesty;
2. Unbiased Truth;
So, until subjective realities of music are more closely matched with the inherent actualities of music, then:
“Music’s bar will continue to sink lower & lower.”
This could have been summarized by stating that they used minor keys. There’s a lot of fluff written here to pad out the post. The psychology behind this is similar to taking a happy, simple tune and using a minor key to make it creepy for horror scenes. Coupled with the very flat, spoken style singing, it comes across as off key. They chose to stand out by doing a key change that hurts your soul.
Nah. They might’ve “used minor keys” whatever that means but that alone wouldn’t do the trick. Minor chords Bm or F#m, or both; could be employed in the second measure, one of which IS the chord in the original, and either or both would’ve worked just fine in the minor key — Not the same happy tune as in the original, but that’s beside the point.
Fluff indeed. Pshaw.
The drunken-karaoke delivery of this ad always catches my attention. I’m a singer with a master’s in choral directing, but I dig it. This analysis is fascinating, and two things can be true: behind-the-scenes wizardry plus a crap singer = effective marketing.
I despise this stinking attempt to sing. I also despise the fact that this sickening garbage which has no resemblance to actual music, is played again and again and again, between drug commercials of some fat girl singing how great Jardiance is while she jumps and hops her big fat butt all over the stage. Wow, she takes jardiance, she must really be healthy.
Everytime the Burger King commercial comes on, I nearly kill myself diving for the remote to change channels.. Sometimes another one is on the new channel. Where do they get all the money? Who is ignorant enough to eat this crap anyway?
This article was ridiculous and shows no regard for those of us who actually have an ear for music and have to endure this absolute crapfest of a jingle.
If they just wanted to have some random guy singing off let, kind of an organic Everyman kinda thing, well OK.
It only serves to highlight HOW HORRIBLE the guy’s singing is
Meant “off key” in comment above, not “off let”